Unleash Authentic Beauty: Escape the Industry Trap


  • Escape the beauty industry's endless buying cycle and embark on a liberating journey towards holistic skincare freedom.

  • Say goodbye to trends and the clutter of countless products that have been holding you back. Learn how to tailor to your unique needs while bidding farewell to trends and, arming you with the wisdom of a skincare warrior.

  • Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of holistic skincare, harnessing the beauty of natural ingredients, mindful rituals, and professional guidance.

  • Reclaim your power and embrace a sustainable approach that sets you and your pocket-book free.

Product and accessories needed:
None specifically but a good Quality Cleanser, Toner & Serum/Moisturizer is recommended.

Rediscover Your Youthful Radiance - Unleash Authentic Beauty: Escape the Industry Trap

Have you ever wished for a reset button that could revive your skin's youthful radiance and leave you feeling empowered and free? Countless products, misleading claims, and toxic ingredients have left you feeling disheartened and stuck in a cycle that promises transformation but never truly delivers. 

I know that feeling all too well, and I'm here to tell you that the solution you've been searching for is right here, within reach. I, too, have been on a journey to find a solution that actually works. With over two decades of experience and a passion for holistic skincare, I've dedicated my life to empowering women like you to embrace their beauty, not just on the surface but from within.

Discover the Path to Youthful Radiance with this Holistic Skin Wellness Course In "Unleash Authentic Beauty: Escape the Industry Trap," I'll guide you on a transformative journey that goes beyond quick fixes and empty promises. I have helped thousands of women achieve youthful, vibrant skin, and I am excited to share this knowledge with you.

With 18+ modules designed to reset, balance, and rejuvenate your timeless radiance.

Here is just some of what will be covered in this Revolutionary Curriculum…

Unlock the Secrets of Your Skin

In the first module, "Our Skin the Messenger," we delve deep into understanding the language of your skin. Say goodbye to guesswork and embrace a journey of self-discovery that will forever change the way you perceive and care for your skin.

"Angie is very skilled and her products are clean and wonderful (my skin drank them in wonderfully). Angie shared suggestions for caring for my overall health, and emphasized the connections between skin and overall health. I was nourished deeply and inspired and energized and empowered to care for my own skin every day - Edith

Embrace the Power of Holistic Skincare

"Unleash Authentic Beauty" presents a powerful comparison between Holistic Skincare vs. Traditional Skincare. Learn why holistic practices hold the key to long-lasting results and uncover a skincare approach that honors your skin's unique needs.

"Taking classes with Angie over the past several years has been my main education and approach and has helped me immeasurably. The fact that she continues to provide education and services that grow with her and her passion for her craft—all really inspires me. I love the research-based approach and knowledge of alternative techniques. Angie's down-to-earth way and commitment to minimal high-quality ingredients gave me the excitement to take way better care of my skin every day than I ever thought was possible." - Heather Keyser 

The 4 Pillars of Radiant Transformation

Our course wouldn't be complete without my "4 Pillar Approach to Holistic Skincare." This cornerstone sets the foundation for your transformation, encompassing techniques like lymphatic drainage, facial reflexology, gua sha, sculpting massage, and face yoga. 

The Essentials for Timeless Beauty

Discover the essential elements of a holistic skincare regimen. I'll provide you with expert insights and guidance on selecting the best products and tools for healthy, vibrant skin, eliminating overwhelm and unnecessary clutter.

Banishing the Toxic Mindset

Escape the vicious buying cycle of the beauty industry and reclaim your power to care for your skin in a way that truly nourishes it.  In "Green Washing + Toxic Mindset," we dismantle the false claims and toxic ingredients that have been holding you back. Embrace a mindset shift and free yourself from the beauty industry's vicious buying cycle.

Decode Ingredient Labels Like a Pro

"Anatomy of an Ingredient Label," empowers you with the knowledge to navigate through marketing gimmicks, fragrance, and resources. Unravel the truth behind the ingredients you use and what they truly mean for your skin.

Empower Yourself with Knowledge

In this section "List of Toxic Ingredients," I expose the harmful elements lurking in skincare products. Learn what they do to us and take control of what you put on your skin.

"Angie is truly a holistic practitioner in every sense of the word. She offers an amazing array of offerings. She has a wealth of knowledge about nutrition and natural skincare, so, I come away with a happy soul and a toolkit of new ways to help myself. The best kind of practitioner is not only a healer but a teacher, and Angie embodies both of those roles with her heart and soul. I highly recommend her as your go-to  skin and body expert!" - Anna Ritner

Your Personalized Skincare Journey

The module, "How to Choose the Best Products for Your Skin," is a game-changer. Say goodbye to confusion and hesitation as we guide you through each product type and how it works on your skin. Reclaim your power with confidence.

"Angie is awesome...definitely the most knowledgeable esthetician I have ever worked with! Her sessions are super, refreshing, and educational. I learned techniques to do at home to keep me feeling and looking my best.  I highly recommend her to help you keep your skin in the best condition possible and to learn lifelong tools you can continue using forever!" - Cindy Klinger

Your Radiant Revival Awaits

Picture yourself feeling refreshed, revitalized, and equipped with the tools and knowledge to care for your skin from within. "Unleash Authentic Beauty" is not just another skincare course; it's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

A Special Offer for You 

Before I reveal the investment for this game-changing journey, let me share a story with you.  

Imagine waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror, and seeing your skin glowing with renewed vibrancy. Picture yourself feeling youthful and vibrant, radiating confidence from within. Now, you can achieve that dream with "Unleash Authentic Beauty: Escape the Industry Trap." 

Don't miss out on this special offer to join the transformative HOLISTIC SKIN WELLNESS COURSE at an exclusive rate of $19. It's time to leave behind lackluster skin, saggy, and wrinkles, and embrace the authentic beauty that lies within you. 

Join the Journey Today

Click the link below to claim your spot in "Unleash Authentic Beauty: Escape the Industry Trap" and take the first step toward unlocking your radiant revival.

Your youthful and vibrant self awaits you. Let's embark on this journey together.


Warmest regards, 

Angie Your Skincare Guru & Confidence Instigator