Part 2: INTENTION + HEALTHY SKIN FROM WITHIN - Self-Love and Mindset Series for Healthy, Happy Skin

Hello beautiful. I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of 4: Self-Love and Mindset Series for Healthy, Happy Skin.

In keeping with the theme, here is Part 2. I hope you enjoy!

🖤  SELF L O V E TIP   🖤


Always learning something new keeps the mind sharp and, to me, that IS self-love.

And while we are on the subject of learning, how about reading a book and learning something that can help you get that glow from within?

Here are some of my favorite books on skin health from within:

BTW... the first one is on the subject of self-love (how perfect is that!?)  The author is one of my instructors/ mentors and has become a dear friend of mine, Rachael Pontillo.  Her, Dr. Trevor Cates and Gina Bria (the first 3 books), were all kind enough to do an interview with me during my 2-week Reset the Clock on Aging Series - Powerful New Ways Your Body Can Create Luminous Skin  Over 30+ hours of video Featuring 30+ Top Experts and Influencers.  If you want to hear their interviews or any of the other 32 speakers, click the link above.  So much juicy information in those interviews!  And I had a blast doing it and meeting some of the heavy hitters in the industry that I look up to!

Love Your Skin, Love Yourself: Achieving Beauty, Health, and Vitality from the Inside Out and Outside In by Rachael Pontillo

Clear Skin From Within - The Spa Doctor's Two-Week Program to Glowing, Naturally Youthful Skin by Trevor Cates

Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration by Gina Bria

Younger Skin Starts in the Gut by Nigma Talib

Absolute Beauty – Radiant Skin and Inner Harmony Through the Ancient Secrets of Ayurveda by Patima Raichur

Transform Your Skin Naturally: Groundbreaking Alternatives to Exfoliation and Other Damaging Anti-Aging Strategies by Ben Johnson MD

The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder

The Living Beauty Detox Program: The Revolutionary Diet for Each and Every Season of a Woman's Life by Ann Louise Gittleman

Forever Young: The Science of Nutrigenomics for Glowing, Wrinkle-Free Skin and Radiant Health at Every Age by Nicholas Perricone MD

The Clear Skin Diet Logan: A Nutritional Plan that works by Alan and Valori Treloar

🖤  SELF L O V E TIP   🖤


Say What!?!

I know, you're probably wondering what the h*** I'm talking about, here's my explanation.

One thing I like to talk to women about is minimizing their skincare routine.  I know it goes against everything the beauty industry teaches.  It also goes against everything I learned traditionally in esthetics school.

Funny how that works. 

But as I have transformed the way I do skincare (my own as well as clients).  MINIMAL is what I KNOW now to be most beneficial for the health and vibrancy of the skin.

You see, to me, after years of training and working with the skin, topical products are only about 20% of what is needed for a good healthy, vibrant, youthful, skin regimen. 

The other 80% is comprised of movement (internal and external) and intention (self-talk, intentional (minimal) ingredients, intention of what we put into our bodies.  To read more about what I consider my MINIMAL way of looking at skin health, check out 4 Pillar's of NH's Skincare for Clear Youthful Skin and Holistic Skin Wellness: inside + out - Healthy Vibrant Skin Wellness Tips.

They're free and they give a bit more insight on why and how I now view skincare.  SPOILER ALERT!  It's WAAAAYYY different from the way I used to look at the skin and how the beauty industry makes you think that's how it needs to be.

Now, in keeping with intention and being intentional about what you put on your skin.  I went to school, got certified and spent MANY hours designing a simple, affordable, yet effective Skin Wellness Line.

I began because I was tired of ALL of the greenwashing that the beauty industry pushes on people.  And that goes for the 'organic", "professional", etc... lines, it's really much the same.  I was fed up and my busy-mom clients wanted something simple and effective AND it totally fits with how I now look at the skin. 

That's a WIN, WIN, WIN, if you ask me!

I have tracked down the best quality ingredients and intentionally thought of each one and why it is being used. There are NO fillers, NO toxic anything in these products, just pure, simple, intentional, effective ingredients. 

So if you are unhappy with the fact that you pay $$$$$ for products with empty promises, or you keep on that vicious buying cycle and STILL do NOT see any permanent changes to your skin.  You may want to adopt this MINIMAL way of treating your skin (ie. my 4 Pillars and Holistic Skin Wellness). 

And if you want some great, nourishing skincare that actually FEEDS your skin, you can check out NH's line below. 

Oh!  Don't forget the beautiful tools and accessories that help give your skin that internal and external movement it needs and craves! You can find those here!

Clean, handmade Skincare + Tools and accessories!

That’s enough for this week.

I would love to hear from you.  Tell me what you are enjoying most from these self-love tips! 

Please let me know below:)

Be well, XOXO,
